Hip or knee joint diseases, the majority of which are advanced degenerative injuries including cartilage deterioration, normally necessitate surgical intervention, specifically joint replacement.
Treatment Modalities
Surgical knee and joint replacement has become very commonplace. The patient begins to put weight on the joint during the course of post-op day one and rapidly becomes mobile. At present, about 95% of first time joint replacement patients are satisfied with their surgery outcomes. Thanks to recent technological and biological developments transplant longevity is increasing and today ranges from 15 – 20 years. In recent years, there has been a shift toward performing hip replacement using a 5-6 cm incision. This incision minimizes tissue damage and patients recover much more quickly, with some being discharged a mere 5 days later.
For the first time ever in the world, over the course of the past year, an Israeli team conducted a non-invasive computer-assisted hip replacement with no need to cut the muscles.
Joint reconstructive surgery is also conducted. This surgery is specifically targeted at young people with inborn or developmental orthopedic diseases. This prevents degenerative changes and the need for hip or knee replacement at a later stage in life.
A team comprising of doctors, nurses, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, begins working with patients a month before surgery, guides them, and aims to ease hospitalization and discharge. This system has proven effective in mitigating needless fears and enhancing patient satisfaction.